
Need Material of News and Photos

A lot isn't mentioned in this blog that probably should have been. The Fall Salad luncheon was a great success. The well project went well. Fall CWF has had their first meetings etc. We have a mailed news letter that does a good job of covering the news, but this spot is for pictures, submitted comments, extra fun stuff. With the bazaar coming up in Nov. I thought I'd liven things up by adding a treasured photo of Eddie and Miriam at a bazaar of the past (note Eddie modeling earrings for sale). Please e-mail me photos or material to share, Thanks, Mary

Volunteers All Tarred Out

Yes that is Jerri P. with a wheel barrow. We do not discriminate when it comes to church work. If you can help without becoming a danger to yourself and others- you are welcome!
The parking lot got a top coat and repairs by the trustees, faithful members and "conscriptees". This work, and the work on the parsonage has been moving along well, trying to stay ahead of the inevitable fall and winter weather that we all know will come.

By the early morning light...