
Need Material of News and Photos

A lot isn't mentioned in this blog that probably should have been. The Fall Salad luncheon was a great success. The well project went well. Fall CWF has had their first meetings etc. We have a mailed news letter that does a good job of covering the news, but this spot is for pictures, submitted comments, extra fun stuff. With the bazaar coming up in Nov. I thought I'd liven things up by adding a treasured photo of Eddie and Miriam at a bazaar of the past (note Eddie modeling earrings for sale). Please e-mail me photos or material to share, Thanks, Mary

Volunteers All Tarred Out

Yes that is Jerri P. with a wheel barrow. We do not discriminate when it comes to church work. If you can help without becoming a danger to yourself and others- you are welcome!
The parking lot got a top coat and repairs by the trustees, faithful members and "conscriptees". This work, and the work on the parsonage has been moving along well, trying to stay ahead of the inevitable fall and winter weather that we all know will come.

By the early morning light...


"I'm a work-in on a building...For my Lord, for my Lord.."

The Fellowship Hall has a fresh coat of paint, as volunteers continue to fix up and spruce up at both the church and at the parsonage. Many, many of you have helped to make these projects both successful and fun. While we are not always around to take pictures of everyone, here are two photos that Maynard took this morning. Way to go girls! Many thanks to all who are helping!
Anyone who has taken photos of church activities that they would like to see published on this page please e-mail the photos and pertinent info to Mary at Note the subject as "info for the church site", and we will do the best we can to have your info. included.


"Trunk, Treasures, and Tithe Sale!"

The Christian Education Department and Christian Women's Fellowship are sponsoring a "Trunk, Treasures, and Tithe Sale on Saturday, August 11th from 8 am to 2 pm at the church. Anyone wishing to set up a booth or sell from the trunk of your car is welcome to participate. There is no set fee - all we ask is a donation of 10% of earnings that day to go to the church's General Fund. If you don't have enough to set up a booth, donate it to the church to sell for 100% profit. Any items left over at 2:00 will be taken to Goodwill on that day. Clothing may be donated for a BAG sale. (Everything that fits in the bag for $4.00) The CWF will be holding a bake sale and an ice cream social during the sale. Pickles and noodles will also be available. All proceeds go to the General Fund.
This sale is going on at the same time as the Historical Society Car Show. The church is located at 146 N. Sixth Street, one block north of the Car Show festivities.

submitted by;

Susan M. Smith


When you have got to paint outside in the hot summertime, take some advice from some of the church trustees- start early! However, if you are working on the parsonage, don't be surprised if you catch the pastor in his pj's through the window at 7 am. Some of us older folks are not early risers- but hey, we are so thankful for the hard work, we'd make you coffee at 5am Many Thanks, Jake and Manfred!